More Transactions and Less Work
However you do business, MyVPOS makes it easy to keep customer payments synchronized with QuickBooks®. Accept payments through MyVPOS’s user interface or point of sale and assign them to a QuickBooks® invoices without the need to open QuickBooks®. Behind the scenes, MyVPOS takes care of the details. Within the MyVPOS User Interface you can:
- create new customer accounts
- create new invoices
- update accounts as needed
- generate reports in real time
With the ability to associate payment and invoice amounts, MyVPOS allows you the opportunity to correct any mistakes that were entered. So instead of spending your time double checking invoices and payments, you have more time to do more important things. So bookkeeping that used to take loads of “after hours” time can now happen much more quickly and efficiently.
QuickBooks Integration
Seamless Two-Way Data Exchange with MyVPOS
Do you ever find yourself asking…
- Isn’t there an easier way to set up a customer record or create an invoice or sales receipt for each transaction in QuickBooks®?
- Why can’t I access the customer and invoice data in QuickBooks from my point of sale?
- How do I know my customer and business data are secure from unauthorized access in QuickBooks®?
MyVPOS gives you immediate access to complete customer and transaction information without launching QuickBooks®, including:
- Your entire QuickBooks® company file
- Every customer’s billing and shipping information
- Every customer’s invoices and sales receipts
- All product and service information including item numbers, descriptions, quantities, and pricing rates for each
Keep Your Current Merchant Account
Keep your current payment processor and payment gateway
With MyVPOS, you DO NOT have to:
- Switch from your current payment gateway
- Switch from your current credit card processor
You can stay with what works for you, or shop around for the best service and lowest fees. MyVPOS frees you to do whatever is best for your business needs. Feel free to find out more about the currently integrated payment gateway.
If you do not currently have a merchant account or are not satisfied with your current merchant account provider, MyVPOS is integrated with nearly all credit card processors in the US. Feel free to email our MyVPOS Support Team for assistance or questions.
Payment Gateway Fraud Protection
MyVPOS’s payment gateway offers you more protection than any other.
You can also take advantage of MyVPOS’s gateway integration, which will give you access to even more options.
- Customers using MyVPOS through the payment gateway integration have the ability to choose built in fraud tools that can be activated by simply checking a box.
- Each transaction submitted can be filtered through a comprehensive series of fraud prevention rules to determine potential risk.
Businesses can block transactions that exhibit suspicious buying behaviors such as:
- Block a credit card that is submitted and declined twice within 24 hours using different expiration dates.
- Check City and State entries for validity against the zip code entered.
- Check area codes for validity against the zip code entered.